Self-Driving Scooter Research University of Maryland

Some CAD Mounts Made

Created two new mounts for the GPS and the Motor Controller. I have the files saved on my computer currently so the next step will have to be emailing Dr. Penskiy about using the 3D printers in the Idea Factory since I currently have not been trained on how to use them. There are other mounts I will need to print however so I may wait until they’re all done before continuing with Dr. Penskiy.

GPS Holder
GPS Holder
Motor Controller Holder
Motor Controller Holder

Created two more mounts for the components inside of the board. I also adjusted some of the old hole sizes with calipers. There’s one left that I have to work on but after that I should be able to start printing these parts and test if they work right or if they need to be adjusted again.

ADC Connector Holder
ADC Connector Holder
ADC Holder
ADC Holder

I’ve printed the first part for the electronics for the inside of the scooter. It fit really well with the GPS so once I get the rest of the parts printed it should be very simple to start attaching them.

figure image
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